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Le Caniette
Positioned adjacent to and perpendicular to the sea, the vines enjoy many favorable elements that make them unique.
The attention to the naturalness of its products is embodied in a management of the entire company.
20 hectares in different bodies composed of vineyards, olive groves and woods.
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The Azienda Agricola LE CANIETTE was established juridically with Raffaele Vagnoni who, starting in the 1960s, began converting all the land inherited from his father Giovanni to vineyards, making the wine-growing business the main source of family income. 

The first labels appear with Giovanni Vagnoni, who joined the company in the early 90s and started introducing all the technological and entrepreneurial innovations that have made LE CANIETTE known and appreciated throughout the country and around the world. The company currently has a total of 20 hectares in different bodies composed of vineyards (16 ha), olive groves (1.5 ha) and woods.

Set in a position adjacent to and perpendicular to the sea, the vines enjoy many favorable elements that make them unique because the microclimate is particular, substantially Mediterranean contrasted by the proximity of the Balkan area, as is the shape of the land, composed of sandy deposits and roof conglomerates (lower Pleistocene).

The attention to the naturalness of its products is embodied in a management of the entire company according to the canons of organic farming certified on each bottle. The love for their places, the culture, the specialties, have made it natural to merge the company into the group of the Vini Piceni Consortium, which wants to become a reference for enology, but not only, regional and national.


rosso bello

Ruby red with a fruity aroma that is strong, persistent and tannin-rich.


A dark ruby red with an aroma of ripening red fruits, herb hints and a spicy fragrance.

lucrezia passerina

Straw yellow with greenish reflections; From the bouquet of acacia flowers, yellow peach, pear, citrus with a mineral touch; In the mouth it is fresh, sapid, soft and well balanced.